VSO Keyword Lookup : PHYSOBS
Physical Observables
This list provides the detailed description of each of the physical observable keywords used to describe data products served by VSO. Please contact the VSO Project maintainers if you cannot accurately describe your holdings using these terms.
- inferred values resulting from higher level scientific analysis that no longer have a simple relationship with sensor measurements. This includes activity masks and catalogs.
- a notion of relative abundance, such as relative number densities of solar wind particles as a ratio
- differences between intensities measured at nearby wavelengths, typically in line cores, wings, and nearby continuum, whether measured as an intensity difference or an equivalent width
- detection or identification of solar features such as flares, CMEs, active regions, etc.
- the direct intensity, either integrated over the spectral observing range or as a function of wavelength (spectral density)
- intensity per unit area.
- Line of sight magnetic field; may be in situ or inferred from the frequency/wavelength Zeeman splitting between opposite circular polarizations of a magnetically-sensitive line
- the displacement of line center from rest wavelength/frequency in an arbitrary polarization state
- the number of particles per unit volume
- solar internal or atmospheric acoustic-gravity wave measurements. The mode parameters could include frequencies, splittings, amplitudes, widths, etc.
- the number of particles passing through a unit area per unit time per unit energy
- the average velocity or velocity distribution of a group of particles
- the net linear polarization
- I, Q, U, V - equivalent to observables of total intensity, linear polarization, and circular polarization
- a characterization of the relationship between the temperature and mass of a distribution of particles
- Vector magnetic field; may be in situ or inferred from Stokes polarimetry
- two- or three-dimensional velocities, typically inferred from helioseismic inversion or from directly measured velocities transverse to the line of sight, possibly combined with Doppler velocities
- solar internal or atmospheric acoustic-gravity wave measurements. The mode parameters could include frequencies, splittings, amplitudes, widths, etc.
- solar internal or atmospheric acoustic-gravity wave measurements. The mode parameters could include frequencies, splittings, amplitudes, widths, etc.
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Automatically Generated at :Fri Mar 14 05:08:34 2025