VSO Keyword Lookup : DATA_LAYOUT
The physical meaning of the independent variable(s)
This list provides the detailed description of each of the data layout keywords used to describe data products served by VSO. Please contact the VSO Project maintainers if you cannot accurately describe your holdings using these terms.
- data organized by two dimensions corresponding to angular displacement along the axes; examples include photograms (digital or digitized photographs), spectroheliograms, magnetograms, and Dopplergrams
- data organized by two dimensions corresponding to spatial displacement along the axes; examples include synoptic charts
- data organized by one or more dimensions corresponding to the quantum numbers of oscillations
- data organized by three dimensions corresponding to spatial or angular displacement along two axes and temporal displacement along the principal (most slowly varying) axis
- data organized by two dimensions corresponding to spatial or angular image axes and one corresponding to electromagnetic spectral displacement
- data organized by two dimensions corresponding to displacement in wavelength or frequency along one axis and temporal diplacement along the other
- data organized by one dimension corresponding to displacement in electromagnetic wavelength or frequency along the axis
- data organized by one dimension corresponding to temporal displacement along the axis; note that this is not the same as a time-tagged set of data records, since it implies sampling uniformity and provision for data gaps
- data indexed by time which does not have sampling uniformity; examples include event & phenomena catalogs.
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Automatically Generated at :Fri Mar 14 06:09:01 2025